Pastel colors, stripes and lots of imagination will shape the furniture design to take the little ones in a magical kingdom. Discover with us how to...
How to customize the home office in an elegant and contemporary style. Whether it’s a home office or a managerial office, elegance and prestige are essential...
Imagine a room dedicated to play and entertainment in the company of siblings and friends, where everybody sleeps in the same room. The playroom is the...
The challenge of this project was to create two matched bedrooms with different functions, one master and the other for the customer’s daughter: for the master...
The collection Concept by Caroti is designed around a simple but fundamental assumption: if each person is different, why you should live in houses all equal?...
Tired of unindifferentiated products? Would you like furniture with custom finishes that are not available in supermarkets? Then here is a small selection of furniture made...
The introduction of new finishes in 2016, Moka Mahogany and Mahogany Black, inspired this kitchen project that plays on the two-color contrast to enhance the clean...